Welcome, traveller!
My name is J. It's very nice to meet you! This is a place for me to share my hobbies, interests and projects. If you couldn't tell, I really love Dragon Quest (as well as many JRPGs and Nintendo games), and I'm excited to add more and more to the website in celebration of these things.
I hope you enjoy clicking around! If you think we have stuff in common, I'd love to hear from you. I also love recommendations for games, books and other media!
P.S. My E key is broken on my laptop. How many missing E's can you find on this website? They're the bane of my existnce!
Newest Blog Post:

23rd January, 2025 - Hello from Wales!
Newest Comic Page:

Website Changelog:
27/02/2025 - Added listening recommendations
28/09/2024 - Added Colors TCG pages
22/08/2024 - Added gaming and watching recommendations
18/07/2024 - Added Media Recommendations page, with reading recommendations
29/06/2024 - Increased DQ Slime quantity
27/06/2024 - Added About Me page
22/06/2024 - Added Creations page, with links to comics and games
18/06/2024 - Added guestbook. Go sign it!
15/06/2024 - Updated site visuals and created first blog post