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J (Birdwrong)
Joined: 27/09/24
Level: Purple
Total cards: 540

Sketchpads: Current: 10/20
Completed: 2
Redeemed: 2


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x8 x9 x8 x8

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Log Journal

20/01/2025: Mastered A7M3, receiving: piyopiyo14, overblot11, etoile-sama16, 1 red crayon.
19/01/2025: Claimed from December 2024 release: harrumph05, shampoodle03, gleam03, piffle13, snarrrl08, carian06, wheeze01, tvboy18, santadodoria17, 100km10, mitchiri12, sig_j, A7M320, burgers05, just02.
16/01/2025: Claimed from Little Spell Academia 348: mudabijin09, bearmom18, bearmom19, piyopiyo13, a7m318, norende02, hoteldusk11, windward04, freezing01, hoteldusk12. Mastered Bear Mom, receiving: a7m319, aquaforce10, floatserve03, 1 green crayon.
10/01/2025: Levelled up to Purple, receiving: A7M317, icolo06, barhara09, 1 gray crayon.
04/01/2025: Claimed from Advent Calendar - Day 03 - Presents!: A7M309, slimes11, bearmom12, bearmom13, piyopiyo08, clow01, hoteldusk07, bearmom14, slimes12, slimes14, hoteldusk09, A7M310, A7M312, slimes15.
02/01/2025: Received gift from Cloudcolors: piyopiyo19, mudabijin06. Received from Most Wanted 150: true20, wives09, elpis16, true05, kizami09, isleofsages03, wives17, savanaclaw05, brush17, hinoeuma10. Claimed from Little Spell Academia 346: hoteldusk07, A7M309, piyopiyo08, piyopiyo09, piyopiyo10, mudabijin08, bearmom12, windward03, piyopiyo11, bearmom13, A7M310, bearmom14.
26/12/2024: Claimed from Little Spell Academia 345: hoteldusk04, a7m307, piyopiyo04, piyopiyo05, piyopiyo06, hoteldusk05, bearmom11, hoteldusk06, slimes08, mudabijin07, a7m308, piyopiyo07, slimes10. Received from Most Wanted 147: earthquake02, airfriend15, oraclebrush16, uffda14, ninjaseal13. Received from Booster Bundle 192: fluorspar16, gladsheim19, accounts04, rhythmia01, bandage07, fensalir07, eskrima08, tsurime15. Received from Most Wanted 148: tablesalt17, kizami08, zidian13, mainstream19, subjectb07.
10/12/2024: Claimed from Advent Calendar - Day 9: A7M304, A7M305.
09/12/2024: Claimed from Little Spell Academia 343: windward01, bearmom06, logic15, bearmom08, bearmom09, a7m303, objection12, piyopiyo02, bearmom10, windward02, burgers03
08/12/2024: Traded with netbug009, giving bearanimna02 and receiving bearmom20. Claimed from Advent Calendar Day 06 - objection11, yourhonor07.
06/12/2024: Claimed from Advent Calendar - Day 04: logic12, logic13, pal04, pal05. Claimed from Advent Calendar - Day 05: valley14, memoirs19, freespirit05. Received gifts from lingon: bearmom07, piyopiyo03. Traded with lingon, giving leftstar13, outgoing19, thestray02 for pal10, clow17, and mentor11.
04/12/2024: Received from Most Wanted 146: abes02, nemophila18, golf08, leftstar13, fiercecorpse12.
03/12/2024: Claimed from Advent Calendar Day 01: logic11, smell04, just01. Levelled up, receiving: bearmom05, bathroom04, meramera03, 1 blue crayon.
30/11/2024: Claimed from Release 175 - November: flapflap01, uffda01, hoppity01, airmail01, fifthfloor01, moemoe20, okarun20, 4koma20, truant20, roussainte20, decepticons05, objection08, objection09, objection10, sig_j
29/11/2024: Traded with tophatcats, giving octavinelle07, dreamy09, pinkskull07, and tanpopo15 and receiving a7m306, a7m311, a7m314, and a7m316.
28/11/2024: Claimed from Release 174 - October as bonus cards: smell02, smell03, yourhonor05, yourhonor06
27/11/2024: Received from Little Spell Academia 341: objection06, A7M302, bearmom02, logic07, bearmom03, logic08, logic09, bearmom04, objection07, hoteldusk03.
26/11/2024: Redeemed completed sketchbook, receiving healers14, sister-type11, and 1 orange crayon. Received from Most Wanted 145: aboutus12, swim14, ofmyheart09, bellpepper01, octavinelle07
25/11/2024: Traded with admiral, giving: well-being09, bigkitty11, pluto04, variety06, and yongan10 and receiving mudabijin12, mudabijin18, slimes13, slimes16, slimes19. Gifted from admiral: logic14, objection14
24/11/2024: Traded with jelliebean, giving garlemald01 and receiving logic10.
23/11/2024: Traded with catcat: gave noir03 for coffee13, and received mushi17 as a gift.
21/11/2024: Received gift from scblakdrgon: honest13. Received gift from misheard: slimes09. Received orange and brown crayons from tophatcats. Received 1 green crayon from namelessharuspex. Received gift from mezzin: magic19. Received gift from aratakis: norende01, hoteldusk02. Claimed from Release 174 - October: homedesign01, piyopiyo01, woofwoof01, A7M301, bearmom01, sig_j.
11/11/2024: Received gift from beezebeora: mudabijin20. Received gift from Klingon: hoteldusk20. Received from Pot of Gold 125: reliability04, crabstache08, pinkskull07, crazyd07, lastempress04, styx08, christianity02, search02, garlemald01, un19, motorbike11, swordbreaker13, librarian09, freedom02, yongan10, bailang16, shinma08, zurek17, royalties18, nekotalia03, dragonknight16, bigkitty11, troy10, 2 yellow crayons, 2 brown crayons, 1 gray crayon. Traded with netbug009: gave sig_j for sig_netbug. Received for Piyo Piyo deck donation: tigerstriped02, depend17, thestray02, 1 green crayon. Received for A7M3 deck donation: postoffice02, half-vampire10, anty07, 1 yellow crayon. Received for Bear Mom deck donation: helmsman17, konkoyo06, doubledash05, 1 red crayon. Received from Shadow Watching 324: loveletter07, watakushi17, utopia15, fortunelove04, fushigi07, cafeliebe08, nanyatte04, teamaqua01, curepeace13, chestnuts07, converted16, northkanto06, camerawoman14, fullmetal08, lancer05.
09/11/2024: Traded with oriondeshoutout: Gave idolclub13, rpgmaker07, arcana02, dark-type11, fuhrer16, and J signature for norende13, norende15, norende16, driller16, driller20 and Cherry signature. Received gifts from oriondeshoutout: mushi04, windward06, windward08. Traded 5 green crayons at the art store for 5 J signatures. Leveled up to Green, receiving: smell01, knickknack10, lustful14, 1 gray crayon.
01/11/2024: Received from byakkun: 5 green crayons.
29/10/2024: Received from Most Wanted 141: shadowyato02, wizard05, transceiver02, bluebear04, gal14.
28/10/2024: Received from No Context Theater 390: merikuri13, resonate12, resonate14, chiral12, snapdragon10.
26/10/2024: Received from Pick a Color 273: steelmaiden02, nightrain04, troupe20, carmilla12, apostle07, thunder12, curses15, ruthless01, katamari19, sinker09, ko16, blackstar06, michelle13, genista04, huckfinn18, evolution12, maidensblood11, appear11, saltysol19, weakness04, tsuguko02, engokuki04, aikane19, eyerolls15, strictcoach20. Traded with heartsfate, giving: maskedfool17, candycane01, rollout04, chimchar05, timegear03, kotobukiya05 for hoteldusk13, chocobars17, driller19, incantations06, mushi20, snowmaru03. Received gift from heartsfate: 1 blue crayon, 1 brown crayon, 1 grey crayon, 1 green crayon, 1 orange crayon, 1 purple crayon, 1 red crayon, 1 yellow crayon.
25/10/2024: Gifted cakes08 to Gaelle.
24/10/2024: Gifted from Ourdivinecomedy: just17. Art shop: traded in 5 blue crayons for baalbuster16, baalbuster17, baalbuster18, baalbuster19, baalbuster20.
23/10/2024: Claimed from Little Spell Academia 336: baalbuster11, baalbuster12, pal03, baalbuster13, baalbuster14, baalbuster15, logic05, obection05, mudabijin05, logic06. Received from Most Wanted 140: gal15, effigy08, dreamy09, synthesis2707, cheesecake16, 99912, synthesis2708, distortion08, makiri20, makiri18
21/10/2024: Redeemed completed sketchpad and received: bachelor01, ethereal01, and 1 brown crayon.
20/10/2024: Received from Reading Between the Lines 417: jinchuu11, monstrous13, ehrgeiz15, villagers04, hadouken14, sonicblade06, tanpopo15, chocobars19. Traded with tophatcats, receiving: hoteldusk19, mudabijin16, mushi03, slimes06, snowmaru06, snowmaru17 for bondman16, dreammare06, drillsaw18, knight03, momiji09, xxxx16. Also received windward15 and fishnchips01 as gifts from tophatcats.
18/10/2024: Received from Booster Bundle 188: falena15, gyarus06, jumbo19, loleus03, menace19, momiji09, swimming10, wield09.
15/10/2024:Received from Pokeradar 394: darknight10, airfriend03, dark-type11, shuriken07, gadgets02, talkingcat16, pioneers18, medicinal08, puririn04, fuhrer16. Received from Most Wanted 139: courage13, bondman16, bonajade12, mockingbirds09, burgers06. Received from Little Spell Academia 335: baalbuster07, baalbuster08, baalbuster09, logic01, logic02, logic03, logic04, mentor01, mentor02, mentor03, objection03, perceive01. Levelled up to Yellow, receiving baalbuster10, sanallites08, usagi19, 1 orange crayon.
14/10/2024: Received from Lady Luck slots 178: sakurait04, clubsunshine20, foxfaced09, mooncell08, hamha11, arcana02, firstsin12, majority08, splash08, cakes08, gainax12, i-praseru18, courage06, rollout04, xxxx16, classvii10, confidants12, heirs06, confirmed09, class1-a18, figments03, marbirthday18, usagimimi12, house11, 1 orange crayon, 2 yellow crayons, 1 grey crayon. Traded 3 green crayons for cafe11, cafe13, and cafe16. Mastered Cafe deck, received: baalbuster06, skyking10, clearbrook14, 1 purple crayon.
12/10/2024: Received from Puzzle chains 333: geb04, gleipnir06, plumber15, deinnomos02, flankshot17, pasttunnel17, cables09, oasi07, redrose13, monks16. Received from Reading Between the Lines 416: sleepless05, hachitendou03, 58yearsold11, outgoing19, hearingaids06, staff09, straycat04, whitebomber05. Traded with scblakdrgon: received mushi10 and Adelicya signature for lifeforms14 and J signature.
10/10/2024: Traded with catcat: signature and bondman13 for signature and driller14.
9/10/2024: Traded admiral: leafelands09, skateboard05, and J signature for cafe14, cafe15 and Lex signature. Received gift from admiral: cafe18, cafe19, cafe20, hoteldusk08, gravy12, 2 red crayons, 2 orange crayons, 2 yellow crayons, 2 green crayons, 2 blue crayons, 2 purple crayons, 2 brown crayons, 2 grey crayons. Traded two green crayons for two J signature cards.
8/10/2024: Received from Most Wanted 138: pluto04, bondman13, skateboard05, cafe10, variety06
07/10/2024:Received from Little Spell Academia 334: baalbuster01, baalbuster02, baalbuster03, baalbuster04, baalbuster05, cafe04, cafe06, cafe08, mudabijin03, mudabijin04, objection01, objection02, pal01, pal02, yourhonor01, yourhonor02, yourhonor03, yourhonor04. Received 3 copies of my signature card! Traded signature cards with Cloudcolors. Levelled up to Orange, received: cafe09, chimchar05, bigmom06, 1 blue crayon.
06/10/2024:Trade with overthedimension: traded blazing07, brashly20, delusion10, kigurumi19, rabbits15, oils10, randomplay12, taints07 for slimes07, mudabijin06, rabbit16, belly05, corgi07, dailyletter03, isleofsages06, landfriend15. Received from Luck Slots 177: support13, taints07, robots18, healers01, adaptations01, gentletype02, mesagoza10, maulers10, rpgmaker07, kotobukiya05, romipaku06, badbreath03, 1 green crayon, 1 blue crayon. Received from Colors Concentration 082: allies10, fireelement08, sibling16, leaflands09, la-lakoosha16, idolizes12, noblest19, aegisshield15, sassy18, well-being09, prepared20, knight03, razorwind01, incantations13, shackles11, nature05, delusion10, taijutsu09, oils10, safetyteam09, brashly20, blazing07, listentome02, idolclub13, ayasugi19, wrongs13, fullmoon04, trophy14, cheating08, admins05, 1 blue crayon. Received from Hi-5 Radio 272: yuanxian15, ribbons04, maskedfool17, lucoa16, inexpressive10, lifeforms14
04/10/2024: Received from misheard: cafe07
03/10/2024: Traded with Cloudcolors, received: cafe17, 2 red crayons, 2 orange crayons, 2 yellow crayons, 2 green crayons, 2 blue crayons, 2 purple crayons, 2 brown crayons, 2 grey crayons. Received from scblakdrgon: 3 purple crayons.
02/10/2024: Received from catcat: objection04, kitten20, clow16
30/09/2024: Received from Pokeradar: drillsaw18, voiceless11, up-front05, scharfrichter19, candycane01, lovehug18, strongest08, byakkomaru08, cryptid13, callisto05. Received from Most Wanted: specialeyes17, rabbits15, noir03, bigbanana04, jujutsu01. Received 1 purple crayon from netbug009. Started palette portfolio 1.
30/09/2024: Received from Little Spell Academia: Burgers01, burgers02, cafe01, cafe02, cafe03, mudabijin01, mudabijin02, slime04, slime05
29/09/2024: Received spooky season bonus: Slimes01, Slimes02, Slimes03. Received new releases: ursine13, k9-ball13, masterthief08, masterpanda18, withdraw05, housemouse12, randomplay12, tomcat14, foodboy09, grumpyone19, kigurumi19
28/09/2024: Received bonus starter cards dreammare06, thresher15
27/09/2024: Joined Colors! Received starter cards bearanima02, buddypolice01, cafe05, cafe12, chain16, chainsaws14, melonpatch03, timegear03